June 01, 2020

Final Fantasy VII Remake: The Game Dreams Are Made From

Final Fantasy VII Remake is the long-awaited and much-delayed release from Square Enix, which is a re-telling of the classic Final Fantasy VII released on the PS1 back in 1997. Before I get into my review of the remake, I will give some context on what made the original FF7 so special in the eyes of many gamers, including myself.

So, what made the original FF7 so special?

May 27, 2020

COVID-19 Update: Amplifying The Stagnation

COVID-19 is unfortunately still a thing. Although businesses and other services are slowly starting to open up to the public, there is the risk that opening up things too early will create a second wave of the virus. As the weather is getting warmer for the summer, many people feel anxious and want to enjoy the good weather, even if it means circumventing general social distancing guidelines.

May 18, 2020

Matchday: FC Barcelona - Great Production, Awkward Narration

I watched the new 'Matchday: FC Barcelona' documentary on Netflix, simply because I watched the Sunderland documentary and needed another football documentary to compare to. However, both documentaries achieve different objectives. While "Sunderland Til' I Die" covers all the aspects of the city and community of the club and the city, the FC Barcelona documentary focuses largely on the first team and the coaching staff during the second half of their 2018-2019 season.

May 11, 2020

COVID-19 Update: Explaining My Thought Processes

The COVID-19 pandemic is continuing to wreak havoc on what we understand to be modern society. No one has truly been able to enjoy their life the way they want to. As for myself, as I am not able to go anywhere and experience certain things, I feel like my writing has become quite bare. I cannot travel anywhere at this moment, so I cannot write anything in regards to travel. The only things I can write about these days are reviews on video games/TV shows/movies, or about myself. When I write about myself, it will be about either my experiences, or explaining something about what I am doing in the present. When I write about myself, I also try to intertwine my experiences with my feelings to create a complete piece about myself.

May 04, 2020

Celeste: If At First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try Again

Celeste is a 2-D retro-styled platforming indie game that I had the pleasure of purchasing on sale on the Nintendo Switch. I had all the time in the world during the COVID-19 lock-down, so I dove right into playing this title immediately. Celeste has all of the makings of a sensational platforming game with the added depth of a journey exploring one's mental health. First, I am going to talk about the gameplay itself, and then I will talk about the mental health angle of the game.