Showing posts with label Words of Wisdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Words of Wisdom. Show all posts

February 10, 2025

My Greatest Act Of Self-Care (So Far)

Last year, I performed one of my greatest acts of self-care in my life. I touched on this briefly on a couple of my blog posts last year, but I want to use this post to talk about this in detail and discuss why it is important for me to continue doing this.

November 25, 2024

Pay Me In Work Experience, Please!

While I was working in one of my old jobs years ago, I remembered having a conversation with one of my coworkers. This was during the time at my old job when I was taking on more and more responsibilities at the company but not getting the financial compensation to match the increased responsibility (and this company was notorious for paying their employees as little as possible). I do not remember the specifics of the conversation, but I asked him why he does not try to earn more money working somewhere else, or fight for a raise in this company. He is a smart and hard worker, and certainly deserves the financial reward for his contributions. I distinctly remember his answer to this day.

June 24, 2024

The Impermanence of Permanence

The one thing that I always end up telling myself is that the only constant in life is change. There is no such thing as going back to the way it was; there is only moving forward. However, I always find my mind wandering back to times in my past; so much to the point that I want to go back and relive some of those times, either to relive some happy memories or to see if I could have done things differently. Reminiscing is a dopamine hit, but it can also reopen some hidden wounds.

August 05, 2023

Everything Can Change In An Instant

So far, I can sum up my summer of 2023 in one word: weird. The reason why this summer felt so weird for me can be traced back to a singular moment on a fateful May morning.

May 03, 2023

What Is Success? What is Failure?

I occasionally hear discussions on the topics of success and failure and I have always wanted to talk about what I thought about success and failure (more specifically, what I believe is a successful person). There were two events that made me want to write a post on this. One such event happened recently, and the other happened a while ago during a family function.

September 02, 2022

Labor Shortage?!?

I want to use this blog post to talk about an experience I had while looking for a job earlier this year, but before I do that, I need to add some context to this experience.

I hear talk from experts saying that Canada is currently facing a labor shortage, meaning that companies are having a hard time filling job positions as there are either not enough people applying to these roles, or job candidates are not able to match the qualifications of the job itself. From my observations, it seems like most of these job openings are low-paying job openings from the service industry. As awful as the COVID-19 pandemic is, there is a strange positive that came out of it. The COVID-19 pandemic led to a positive shift in how we work in our jobs and the overall work culture (such as working from home). I also find that more people are better able to gauge their overall worth to an employer, and it led to another shift of people leaving their current jobs and finding better-paying jobs and more convenient job environments.

May 10, 2022

Changing Jobs (Again) And Trying To Fit In

FYI: Post was written last week, during my last week at my previous job.

I cannot believe that I am going to write another entry in my "Changing Jobs" series of blog posts. So, as of writing this post, I am changing jobs yet again. I will be joining a new company that is offering even more money, with better benefits and increased vacation time. All of that is fantastic, but I want to talk about my time at this current job (at the time of writing) and how I ended up leaving this company after around 20 months of employment.

November 08, 2020

Changing Jobs And Suppressing Lingering Feelings

I initially did not want to create a third blog post about changing my job, but there were unaddressed feelings that I could not stop thinking about. I talked about my old company's lack of action of making me feeling important, as well as keeping in contact with my friends in the midst of a pandemic. However, I did not talk about what leaving my old company meant for my co-workers, especially in my old department. I realized that in order for me to move forward in my life and in my career, I might have to hurt the people I care for.

July 13, 2020

Building Confidence Through Self-Promotion

The first course that caught my eye on Google's Digital Garage is 'Building Confidence with Self-Promotion'. The course explains how speaking about your successes and achievements can help increase your confidence. This course can also help with your ability to persuade others, whether it is trying to land that dream job, or for some other reason.

June 05, 2020

My Experiences Living With The Color Of My Skin

The car that attracted police attention, apparently.

The year 2020 continues to be a difficult year for the world. Along with the COVID-19 pandemic, the murder of a black man by the name of George Floyd by the knee of a power-hungry white police officer continues to fuel worldwide protests calling for an end to police brutality and institutionalized racism within police forces. I initially did not want to talk about the protests as I felt like there are better people that can talk about this. However, I have a platform where I can talk about my experiences living as a person of color, stemming from my black and Indian background. As I continue to see videos of the protests and the heavy-handed response from the US government, I realized that it is important for me to speak out about my experiences living as a person of color and to talk about how different life is for myself compared to a white person.

May 11, 2020

COVID-19 Update: Explaining My Thought Processes

The COVID-19 pandemic is continuing to wreak havoc on what we understand to be modern society. No one has truly been able to enjoy their life the way they want to. As for myself, as I am not able to go anywhere and experience certain things, I feel like my writing has become quite bare. I cannot travel anywhere at this moment, so I cannot write anything in regards to travel. The only things I can write about these days are reviews on video games/TV shows/movies, or about myself. When I write about myself, it will be about either my experiences, or explaining something about what I am doing in the present. When I write about myself, I also try to intertwine my experiences with my feelings to create a complete piece about myself.

October 22, 2019

Canada 2-0 USA: Why An Outlet Is Necessary

The Canadian men's soccer team have not beaten the USA men's soccer team since 1985, until last Tuesday, October 15, at BMO Field. Canada sent the supporters home in delirium with a 2-0 statement win over the USA. I will not dive too much into the particulars of the match itself. Instead, I want to talk about what this result meant to me on an emotional level.

April 22, 2019

What The Myers-Briggs Personality Test Got Right (And Wrong) About Me

One day at work, our boss told us about the Myers-Briggs personality test that he recently took, and he wanted us to take the test on our own time, whenever we got the chance. My boss was impressed with how it seemed to explain his personality, his strengths, and his weaknesses in near-perfect detail. I have not taken the Myers-Briggs personality test in years, but I thought it would be a good idea to revisit the test and see what personality I most closely match. My boss and I took the test here.

January 21, 2019

July 06, 2018

The Meaning Of Value

What is the meaning of value to me?

I am not talking about monetary value, or sentimental value. What I am talking about is the value that a person places on another person. I am talking about someone's importance in the view of others, as well as the value someone places on themselves. Value has been an ever-present theme in my life, and I have always struggled to evaluate my own worth, as well as to gauge my own worth to others.

April 29, 2013

Random Thoughts 11: An Observation, A Hard Truth, and Another League Title

Okay, some more random thoughts, accompanied by a random picture from last February's Auto Show...

I've had Twitter for over 2 years, and for the most part, it has been great fun. One of the things I noticed when I would casually be on Twitter is that I am able to read certain underlying situations that people are in just by reading their tweets, and I don't mean that in a "creeper" sense. You can tell a lot about someone and what they are going through by seeing what they tweet, how they tweet, and how often they tweet. If people have feelings that they want to express on Twitter, they will do it, but sometimes I see people implicitly express their feelings, either by sub-tweeting, or by other means. All these tweets begin to paint a portrait of yourself, and there are people who can either see that portrait, or they are unable (or too oblivious) to see it.

Now, time to switch over to something else, and it is a hard truth...

If you are single, you may be thinking about a certain someone, someone that makes you feel whole. Unfortunately there is something I have to break to you. You may think this person looks amazing. You may think this person has an awesome personality. You may think this person has big dreams and ambition. You may think this person is the "one" that you want to spend the rest of your life with. But if that person doesn't feel the same way that you do towards that person, then it isn't to be. It is a terrible feeling, yes, but I am here to tell you that you can get over it. Hopefully you'll find someone who is even better and can make you feel even more amazing, so don't lose hope.

Quick thoughts on United winning their 20th league title: Awesome, United blew away the rest of the competition and none of the other big clubs made a reasonable challenge for the Premier League. Man City failed to perform when it mattered, and Chelsea are pretty much a shit-show at this point, especially with the management and ownership. But back to United, I would never expect Carrick to be the standout player in this Man United side. RVP, Rafael, and De Gea have also had big seasons as well. Although they were knocked out of the other cup competitions (don't get me started on the Champions League exit against Real Madrid), I am generally happy with Man United's season. The squad could use a little bit more tinkering, but I am optimistic that Man United can put up more of a fight in the other cup competitions next season.

So until the next part of the random thoughts segment, bye...