December 28, 2011

Random Thoughts 8: The “Facebook-Related Grievances” Edition

It has been a while since I did a blog entry, let alone a Random Thoughts blog. Well I am back, and madder than ever, so let’s get it. This blog is about stuff I have encountered on Facebook recently.

I have tried to get rid of my Facebook account on two separate occasions this year, but I couldn’t even last a week both times. It is pretty sad that Facebook has that kind of pull on my life, but Facebook is the only way that I can keep in contact with my extended family in other countries. Anyways, let’s get to the real gripes.

I have a few Facebook friends that do nothing but post things like inspirational quotes and messages. Now it is okay to do this once in a while, but doing this all the time is just really annoying, like those few of my Facebook friends. It comes off as a bit elitist, and that you are basically telling everyone “I’m better than you because I post these quotes and follow them and that you should follow them too”. You don’t even know if that person is actually following those quotes that they keep putting up. Nobody gives a shit about your inspirational quotes.

Next thing, and let me paint the scene for you. A girl is uploading pictures of her drunken night out with her girlfriends. You look at her pictures, typical loose women holding alcoholic drinks making drunken poses for the camera, and then, you see a picture of a certain pose that you can’t really understand. Why is it that girls have that picture of a girl kissing another girl on the cheek? For the life of me, I can never understand why (drunk) girls do this. Are they trying to do their best lesbian impression? It seems like every time someone looks at a girl’s pictures of their night out, there is always that picture of a girl kissing another girl’s cheek. Now I’m not saying this should stop, I just want to know why this always seems to happen. You don’t see a guy kissing another guy on the cheek, unless they were gay. But seriously, I want to know why this happens.

Last thing, on the subject of kissing people on the cheek, a kind of picture that pisses me off is where the guy gets one or two women to kiss him on the cheek. If you are a guy who has to get pictures of yourself with women kissing you to make yourself look like some sort of “ladies man”, then you are a fucking douche, plain and simple. The guys who have to get pictures like that are basically trying to cover up their own insecurities. They are scared guys, if you think about it. I’m not being bitter about it, but it is a fact. These are the kind of guys who deserve to have their face burned by napalm, yeah let’s see what girls would kiss you now.

Well, there are some thoughts out of my system, if you want more of the same, follow me on Twitter @Randy_Narine. Bye for now…