May 11, 2020

COVID-19 Update: Explaining My Thought Processes

The COVID-19 pandemic is continuing to wreak havoc on what we understand to be modern society. No one has truly been able to enjoy their life the way they want to. As for myself, as I am not able to go anywhere and experience certain things, I feel like my writing has become quite bare. I cannot travel anywhere at this moment, so I cannot write anything in regards to travel. The only things I can write about these days are reviews on video games/TV shows/movies, or about myself. When I write about myself, it will be about either my experiences, or explaining something about what I am doing in the present. When I write about myself, I also try to intertwine my experiences with my feelings to create a complete piece about myself.

I want to use this post to explain my thought processes when trying to write a blog post, as well as what I do when I have an idea for a blog post. It is not so much talking about my travels or any other of my external experiences, but rather about myself. I have so many thoughts swirling in my head, that sometimes it is difficult to take those thoughts and create something coherent for the reader. Therefore, I will give the reader some backstory on some of my internal conflicts in the process of creating a blog post.

From writing for so many years, I noticed that most of my thoughts occur in the middle of the night when I am trying to sleep. Because of this, an internal dilemma faces me. Do I reach for my phone and take down these thoughts immediately knowing that this will negatively affect my sleep, or do I go to sleep anyways and take down my thoughts in the morning, but then I may not remember what I actually thought about in my sleep. I have taken the 'go to sleep' option most of the time, and I would not remember what I thought about until weeks or even months later. Whenever I can, I would type my thoughts as notes in my Notes app, and I have many notes of all these different thoughts.

Therefore, I have all these thoughts taken down, which are like seeds waiting for water so they can grow. Sometimes, I will add to these thoughts little by little, but I do not prefer writing in this way. When I start writing a blog post with a single thought, it is as if a dam is broken in my brain and all the supplemental thoughts come flowing out of my brain and onto the document. I also talk to myself while writing for two reasons: to transcribe my thoughts onto the post, and to structure my words and my thoughts in a coherent way that is easy to read.

My writing process sounds simple, but the process does get difficult in execution. I have had to delete and rewrite posts on numerous occasions because the posts did not meet my quality standards of legibility and flow. Sometimes, I would blank out and have to leave the post alone for a time so I can clear my head. I am always aware of these obstacles, and I do what I can to avoid them.

The COVID-19 pandemic has left me with little to write about these days, but I know that I can find a treasure trove of content if I use this time to look within myself. Again, I have ideas in mind that could turn out to be some of the most personal posts I have ever written. Until then, I will continue to keep going.

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