November 25, 2024
Pay Me In Work Experience, Please!
July 07, 2024
The Closest Thing I Had To A Workplace Bully (So Far)
June 27, 2023
My Old Company Cannot Afford My Services
June 19, 2023
Corporate-Mandated Fun at Cirque du Soleil
Last week, I had a work outing at Cirque du Soleil, which is a circus producer of many travelling shows around the world. As of last week, they had their show Kooza playing in Toronto (as of writing this post, Cirque's run of Kooza shows have finished in Toronto) and I always wanted to go see the show, but I could never justify paying $150 for a decent seat. Luckily, because this is a work event, my company covered the Cirque ticket. Also, because this is a work event, I must go socialize with many of my co-workers at the event, which is (for an introvert like me) a complete nightmare. I decided to suck it up, because I do not think there would be a time where I would willingly go to a Cirque du Soleil event.
September 02, 2022
Labor Shortage?!?
May 10, 2022
Changing Jobs (Again) And Trying To Fit In
November 08, 2020
Changing Jobs And Suppressing Lingering Feelings
September 28, 2020
Changing Jobs And Keeping In Touch
As I have recently switched employers in my career, I have wrote about the negative aspects of working at my old company as it pertains to my life and at the current stage of my career. Switching employers is currently looking like a good move for me, but that is not to say that I miss certain things about my old company. I want to talk about the biggest challenge that I am going to face about leaving my old company.
September 14, 2020
Changing Jobs And Trying To Realize My Value
If anyone has seen some of my posts from late last year and early this year, I talk about my struggles in working at the company I was working for at that time. Around that time, I was working evenings and weekends without any financial compensation and I was suffering from job burnout. Well, I have some good news! At the time of writing this post, I have accepted a new position at a new company and the previous week was my last week at my old company. There is no doubt that I am excited for this new challenge and opportunity. This post is going to sound like I am complaining about my previous job, but honestly; I do not care if this is how the post sounds. During my job search and my subsequent job offer, I have been thinking about why I wanted to leave my current job, as well as what I have learned about myself and what I want to do in my career path.
July 13, 2020
Building Confidence Through Self-Promotion
March 02, 2020
The Symptoms of Job Burnout
I have touched upon my mental health issues due to my current exhaustion from my work in one of my previous posts. I want to explore these issues in this post.
February 11, 2020
The Dangers Of An Imbalanced Work-Life Balance
I have been working at the same position for some time now. While my boss is a big proponent of having a life outside of work, it feels like lately, I have been having to work after-hours and on the weekends on a semi-normal basis. I want my work-life balance back.
November 25, 2019
Why A Logic Concert Has Me Thinking About My Current Situation
February 20, 2019
Comparing Myself To My Microwave: Which Is Better?
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This is actually a picture of my microwave. Not pictured: My angry co-worker. |
One morning, I was not able to come into work, as my car was full of ice from the previous day's snowstorm and I was not able to get out of my driveway. I had the only key to my office at work, where it also had the department microwave, so my department co-workers can make use of it. Of course, because there is no access to the office, a senior department co-worker of mine was completely livid that day because she was not able to heat up her coffee in that office which I had the key.
February 11, 2019
Why I Choose Not To Be Drunk Around Co-Workers
I like to enjoy a good drink sometimes. A little bit of alcohol helps me to socialize, and it helps me to engage in great laughs with the company around me. However, there are a group of people in my life where I am hesitant to drink alcohol around, and that would be my co-workers. Before I dive into why it is dangerous to drink a large amount of alcohol around co-workers, allow me to share a little story of a night out with former co-workers that went sour. This night out serves as the basis of my feelings toward drinking around co-workers.