Showing posts with label Local. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Local. Show all posts

November 11, 2024

I (Briefly) Went Back To University + Winery Drinking

I made a brief stop to somewhere where I have not been in over ten years earlier this summer. I went back to my old university (Brock University) for a visit, and so much has changed from when I graduated back in 2013. I wish I had more time to properly explore my old alma mater, but I was able to do a quick run-through of the university to see what was new and what was still the same.

October 21, 2024

Sometimes, It Is Good To Be A Stranger

Socially, I feel like I am back to square one.

Before the tail-end of the COVID-19 lockdowns (around 2021), I have always had a friend-group that I could hang out with, but as of now, I do not think that is the case anymore. I have since moved jobs on a couple of occasions, and it is great for me professionally, as I can now work from home and I am making a better living financially. The problem with my new working arrangements is that I do not get to meet people face-to-face very often. The extent of my physical interactions with people at my work is the occasional office visit once every three months. 

August 26, 2024

The Royal Canadian International Circus Was Surprisingly Decent

Earlier this summer, I went to go check out a travelling circus show at my local mall, called the Royal Canadian International Circus. Yes, this is going to be another circus show post following my outing with co-workers at Cirque du Soleil last year. I initially was not planning to go to this show, but my mother was pleading and begging me to take her to see the circus, as she has never been to the circus before. I ultimately gave in to her demand and I bought two tickets to see the show.

June 10, 2024

Drinking In The Library (Bar)

After the Formula 1 exhibition, I had an afternoon in Toronto to treat myself. I could not think of a better way to treat myself than to go to a hotel bar inside one of the most prestigious luxury hotels in Toronto.

July 28, 2023

The Toronto CN Tower Edgewalk

Last week, I did the unthinkable. I went in the CN Tower and completed the Edgewalk. Normally, I would not do these kinds of activities where the star attraction was how high you were from the ground, but with a need for blog content (and a little bit of peer pressure), I decided to go and complete the Edgewalk. The Edgewalk is an attraction where you walk around the outside edge of the CN Tower while suspended over 1100 feet in the air, taller than Canada's tallest skyscraper. I will talk about the whole experience, and offer my thoughts on this rather harrowing attraction.

October 19, 2020

Secord Forest Media Gallery

On a random Sunday not too long ago, I went for a walk in Secord Forest, which is just south of Goodwood, Ontario. I went for this walk for two reasons. The first reason is that because I am working from home on a semi-permanent basis, I need to find the time to be more active. The second reason is that I want to enjoy the nature around me as much as possible before the weather gets colder.

October 08, 2020

Evergreen Brick Works Media Gallery + New Phone!

On one random Saturday, I went to the Evergreen Brick Works in Toronto to walk around and take in some nature within the city. Before I go any further, I want to tell you all that I have a new phone now, and I have been using it for the last couple of months. I am now the owner of a OnePlus 8 Pro, which replaced my previous OnePlus 5T. I like the idea of having flagship-level performance at a lower cost than high-end Samsung and Apple phones. This means that this will be the first post where I will be posting pictures and video from the new OnePlus 8 Pro camera. With all that said, I may go into an in-depth review of my new phone in the near future.

August 03, 2020

Restaurant Review: Eggstatic Artisian Breakfast and Brunch

Eggstatic (1568 Bayview Avenue, Toronto) is a restaurant that serves breakfast and brunch with a Middle-Eastern twist at reasonable prices.

I ordered the Spinach and Mushroom Benedict, and it had guacamole on it, which was an interesting choice. This was something I have not seen before. My meal also came with home fries, salad, and some fruit. I have to say that Eggstatic served an excellent breakfast. My only gripe with the meal was that there was too much balsamic vinegar in the salad, which made the inside of my mouth feel oily. The home fries had a satisfying crunch and had a thorough cooking. For the Spinach and Mushroom Benedict, the guacamole and the Hollandaise sauce made each bite incredibly creamy, with the right amount of substance from the English muffin.

This restaurant is an easy recommend. Great food with solid service.

February 24, 2020

Allan Gardens Conservatory Media Gallery

On one random day that I had a day off work, I ventured into Downtown Toronto to take care of some errands. While wasting time between these errands, I went to the Allan Gardens Conservatory (160 Gerrard Street East, Toronto) to look at some exotic plants inside of a warm greenhouse on a chilly winter day. I needed a distraction from the current pressures in my life. In addition, entry to this conservatory is free, so why would I not want to go.

December 16, 2019

WinterFest at Canada's Wonderland: Straight Out Of A Hallmark Christmas Movie

For this year's holiday activity, I went to the first annual 'WinterFest', created and hosted at Canada's Wonderland in the hopes that the popular amusement park would become more of an all-year destination for fun. The Aurora Winter Festival experience last year was disappointing, and I was hoping that WinterFest could help to fulfill my lack of holiday cheer.

July 25, 2019

Review: The Brownie Hot Fudge From Dutch Dreams

On my wanderings around Toronto with a couple of friends, we went to a popular dessert spot that sold all kinds of Dutch desserts and candies. 'Dutch Dreams' was the name of the place, and based on the line that stretched outside; it seemed like a dessert spot that could not possibly disappoint. To put it bluntly, Dutch Dreams did not disappoint at all.

February 18, 2019

2019 Canadian International Auto Show Media Gallery

For all the years that I have been to the Canadian International Auto Show, I do not believe I have actually made a blog post about it. Anyways, I went to the 2019 edition of this auto show, and I can safely tell you that it was just like all the other auto shows of the previous years. That is not to say that there were not any highlights from the show, because there certainly were. I will share these highlights below, as well as some other pictures I took at the event.

December 10, 2018

The Aurora Winter Festival (Or How I Spent $25 On Instagram Pictures)

This holiday season, I have not had the time to get myself immersed in the holiday spirit. So, when I heard about the Aurora Winter Festival occurring over at Ontario Place (and apparently not in Aurora, Ontario), I thought it would be a great jump-off point for me to experience some holiday cheer and camaraderie with my friends. What I thought would be a whimsical, magical adventure turned out to be an overpriced, low effort dud with few attractions for the steep admission price. Regardless, I will talk about my positives and negatives about this event.

August 20, 2018

Why Carnival Games Are Not A Waste Of Money

So last weekend, I went to the CNE (Canadian National Exhibition) with a few co-workers of mine. It was actually a lot of fun. Went on some rides, played some games, and ate some weird food. While I was there, I came to a realization, which I want to share with you. This realization came about while we were playing some carnival games on the CNE grounds.

July 23, 2015

The UpNextAjax Program

I had the honour of being a participant of a wonderful youth initiative that took place over a three-week period over the summer. The Town of Ajax created the "UpNextAjax" program as a way to help improve participants chances of landing a job or starting their own business by training them in digital marketing and offering real-world experience to use these skills with small business owners. This program came as perfect timing for me, as I was resigning from my current job and beginning a new one after the program ended, so this program kept me busy during my transition.

Youth unemployment is a serious and chronic issue in Ontario, and it is particularly bad in the Durham Region. For example, the youth unemployment rate in the Oshawa CMA is around 20%, which is higher than the national rate. I can imagine the youth unemployment rate for Pickering and Ajax to be a similar number to Oshawa. In my opinion, the federal and provincial governments do not do enough to reduce youth unemployment in the province, but to see a municipal government like The Town of Ajax attempt to take this problem head-on is refreshing to see. Not only do The Town of Ajax want to reduce youth unemployment, but also by collaborating these young professionals with small business owners, they have a desire to make Ajax an attractive place to work and to keep jobs in the area. Personally, I would rather work here in Ajax than drive or take public transit to Toronto, as The Town of Ajax is a great community to live and work in. The UpNextAjax program has reaffirmed that in me.

Every day in the three-week program consists of a presentation in the morning by an industry professional/small business owner or a group, and the afternoon consists of a technical session where we would learn how to use social media for businesses. We would then have time to work with our businesses to create and post content on their social media platforms to maximize reach and engagements. The morning presentations consisted of everything it takes to market yourself to potential employers, from writing a good resume and how to network to something like how to dress properly for an interview. All of the morning presentations were informative, and I always found myself learning something different every day that I can use in my future career. All of the presenters were memorable in their own way, and the stories and insights that they have provided were interesting.

I gained valuable experience in digital marketing, through the afternoon technical sessions where we would learn how to use social media for business use, and from actually working with our assigned businesses to apply what we have learned. The businesses that I have worked with were very excited to work with me, and they understood the fact that I was learning the aspects of digital marketing myself. These businesses presented unique challenges, which had me thinking of different ideas for each business in order to market themselves. I did not expect to make miracles, but as long as I could make a positive impact, by getting more likes and engagements and extending the reach of the business, then I am happy.

I was also happy to meet many other young professionals that were just like me. They all came from different backgrounds and I could sense that they all had their own personal motivations as to what they wanted out of this program. From talking to many of these young professionals, it was fascinating to hear their stories about what motivated them to sign up for this program and what they hoped to get out of it, from gaining new skills to find a job, to growing their professional network.

Overall, I am glad I signed up for the UpNextAjax program. I could have remained at home and kept my free time between my jobs, but I wanted to further my personal and professional development, as well as to continue to build my professional network. The wonderful thing about all of this is that I can use the digital marketing skills I learned here in my new job where I can be a more valued employee. I have met so many great, motivated people here, and I hope this program was an asset to them as it was to me. I also hope that they can take what they learned here and apply it to their future careers, instead of putting this knowledge in the basement of their brain. The Town of Ajax should continue this program for years to come, so that other young professionals can absorb things that they can use in their careers. This experience is something I will never forget.