August 07, 2011

Random Thoughts 4: The “Casino Dreams” Edition

I went to Casino Rama yesterday, hoping to pick me up some extra cash. It didn’t work out that way. The casino tables kicked my ass up and down the casino floor and it only enforced a valuable lesson for me, don’t ever go to the casino, because most likely, your money will run away from you.

I’ve had a few of my friends from home and university talk to me briefly about their BlackBerry mobile phone, and I always ask them this question. Why did you get a BlackBerry? And for most of them, the answer is this…”Because it is Canadian”.

That is the dumbest answer anyone can give me. Why the hell would you go out and buy something simply because it was invented in the same country that you live in. It won’t have a noticeable effect on that country’s economy, so why? Personally, I think someone should go out and buy something, mobile phone or whatever, that is going to give them the most benefit and that he/she would be happy with (that’s how I have my Android). If someone wants go get a BlackBerry because it would be have the most benefit to them and make them feel the happiest, then go for it. But I don’t want to hear that “I bought a BlackBerry because it’s Canadian” shit. Those people would be better suited to living as sheep, than actual human beings.

Next thought, I’ll start by saying this, you should be able to listen to any kind of music that puts a smile on your face, even though others might think that the music you listen to is garbage. I was raised on listening to the 90s club jams and Eurodance songs, and I keep noticing a startling difference between that kind of music, and the mainstream music you hear in the clubs today.

The mainstream songs of today are insanely over-sexualized. To be honest, this doesn’t offend me, nor do I have a problem with it, but I find it really annoying that almost every song I hear in the club is mostly about how the male music artist wants to fuck some female, or the other way around. The 90s club jams I listen to are hardly sexual, but rather about love, dreams, and have this sense of fantasy about them. What I mean by “fantasy” is, it is like I am in another world when I listen to these tunes.  These songs take me away from reality and they make me feel good whenever I feel down. It’s a rarity when the clubs play these jams, but I would be extremely happy if I hear them whenever I’m in the club. It takes you back to a time when club jams truly meant something.

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