March 25, 2019

The Therapeutic Excellence of Strip Clubs

One night, I went out for drinks with a friend of mine. After we had our fill of beer at the local bar, my friend was feeling a little adventurous, and so he came up with the suggestion that we go to the strip club. I was reluctant, but I ultimately agreed to his request (after much pleading from my friend). Therefore, off we went to the strip club for a night of adult voyeurism.

We ordered some beers, and we parked ourselves in front of the stage to watch the dancers put on a show for us patrons. While this was going on, my friend explained to me that he would frequently go to the strip clubs to watch the dancers and make conversation with them. I was not one to judge him. Honestly, I would have much rather have him at the strip club than for him to do something harmful to himself or others. While I was there, I was looking around the club to see many men just sitting at their tables, talking to various dancers and employees about what was going on in their lives, and expressing their feelings and emotions. It was then that I realized that strip clubs are a benefit to society, and act as a form of therapy to many people.

In a society where people are becoming more and more isolated, there will always be the insatiable need and craving for a human attachment. From the times that I have gone to strip clubs, I have observed that not very many people go to these establishments for the sexual atmosphere. Most people just want to talk about the events in their lives, and strip clubs provide that opportunity. To put it simply, most patrons are not looking for a sexual stimulation, but rather an emotional stimulation.

Dancers of these establishments not only need to have the conventional skills to succeed, but they also need to be good listeners for their customers. I have seen dancers sit on the laps of men while they are expressing their feelings and emotions, which is an example of how the sense of touch can strengthen the human connection and enhance the experience. Most of these men are generally courteous and understanding, and simply need some appreciation. There is nothing pathetic about that.

There is certainly the comparison of going to a strip club to going to a counselor or going to some sort of professional therapist. Going to a strip club can certainly be cheaper than going to professional therapy, especially if you are not going to be paying for private dances. All you need to do is order a drink, sit at a table, and wait for a dancer to approach you (and give them tips if you want). A session with a counselor or a professional therapist can end up being well over $100, and if you do not have suitable coverage, you would have to eat the cost. However, counselors and therapists offer a safer space to express emotions than a strip club can. In addition, counselors and therapists can potentially offer the life advice that can help to change the life of their client in a positive way, whereas in a strip club, it is rare that an employee can dispense life advice. To sum it all up, expressing your emotions at a strip club is a temporary relief for a patron, while going to a counselor or therapist can set you on a course for positive change in your life.

I despise the archaic belief in some closed-minded people that strip clubs are immoral and serve as a degradation to the community. This is simply not true. I believe that the function of strip clubs to provide a space for people to express their feelings and emotions are what may be keeping those same people from committing harm to themselves or other people. In this society of ever-increasing mental health awareness, strip clubs can help to bolster one's mental health. We all need a pick-me-up sometimes, and there should be no judgment on a person when they admit that they go to these establishments to help themselves. Strip clubs are important in today's society for the therapeutic benefits it brings.

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