April 06, 2020

COVID-19 Update: Stuck In Quarantine

As of last Tuesday, I have been experiencing symptoms consistent with the COVID-19 virus, such as having a sore throat, dry cough, and a mild fever. I remember being in a couple of specific stores where days previously, there was an employee in each store that tested positive for the virus, and so both stores were closed so that deep cleaning can take place. On that Tuesday when I was first experiencing symptoms was when I found out about one of the stores closing, so I immediately feared the worst. I entered into a 14-day quarantine at home in order to monitor my symptoms. I also let my boss know that I will be working from home indefinitely.

I called my local public health department and relayed my symptoms to the nurse. As I am a rather young and healthy man, she informed me to monitor my symptoms for the next few days and to call back if the symptoms become worse. It is understandable that health professionals will want to save the testing kits for more of the high-risk patients (as the test kits are scarce). I cannot say that I definitely have COVID-19 or that I do not, as I have not been tested.

So, what have I been doing for the past few days at home? Besides work, I have mostly been reading, watching Netflix, and playing video games. I ordered 'Super Smash Bros: Ultimate' and have been playing the game for the last couple of days (a review is most likely coming). I also started a 1000-piece puzzle of the Tower Bridge in London, England on my dinner table, in order to combat my boredom.

As the days passed, my symptoms began to go away, and I can confidently say that I am ready to go back to work. However, I will need to abide by my 14-day quarantine. For the last couple of days, I have been going on walks around my neighbourhood while trying to stay away from any establishments or people. It is important for me to get some fresh air and sun in these unusual times. These symptoms could be nothing more than flu-like symptoms and not anything worse.

Anyways, this is my update. I will be honest; it has been difficult for me to write these days because of what has been going on. All anyone can hope at this point is that enough people can stay home long enough so that there are less new cases with each passing day. There is still a job to do, so let us all do our part.

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