April 15, 2020

Reminiscing On N64 Super Smash Bros + Quick Thoughts on Smash Ultimate

As the self-isolation takes hold on me, I have been taking measures to decrease my boredom while I am staying home. I purchased 'Super Smash Bros. Ultimate' for the Nintendo Switch, and the purchase got me thinking about my fond memories playing the original 'Super Smash Bros' for the Nintendo 64.

I was in elementary school when the game first came out in 1999. When I first saw the TV commercial for the game, I remember being enamored with all the characters I knew and loved, beating up on each other. My parents saw how much I wanted to get this game, and I did indeed get the game for my birthday. I would spend hours in my basement playing this game. I beat the main modes for every single character and all of the side games. It even got to the point where I would be beating multiple level 9 CPUs by myself with ease. At the time, I did not have a second controller, or many friends to play with, but I was perfectly happy with playing the same battles by myself for hours on end. It was clear that I became quite good at this game, but at the time, I would have little opportunity to test my skill against other players.

After my time playing the original Smash Bros in elementary school, I did not get a chance to play the game regularly until I went to university. At my residence, a friend of mine brought his N64 with a collection of games, including a copy of Super Smash Bros. He also had enough controllers for four people to play the game at once. So finally, here is my chance to test my skills against other people, even though I was a bit rusty. After playing for a bit, it felt like my skills have not diminished at all, and I dispatched other players with relative ease. My university friends and I would play Smash on the N64 nearly every day, and we would all get even better at the game. As word of our Smash sessions whispered across the university campus, we decided to host our own Smash tournament and invite players from across the residence halls to come and participate.

The tourney was tense, but I managed to prevail and win the tourney, beating a man who had his own special N64 controller. I can finally say that there is at least some validation of my skill after years of playing Smash by myself in my basement.

While I am still writing here, I will offer my quick thoughts on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. There is an insane amount of content packed into this game. There are around 70 playable characters with their own unique animations and move sets. There is a strong amount of single-player content, including classic modes for all characters, a surprisingly lengthy adventure mode, and a board where you can collect spirits by completing unique battles. The gameplay itself is tight and a lot of fun. I have not tried the online mode yet, as I am scared that I will lose easily to other players.

Smash Ultimate remains the king of the party-style fighting game, and there is no other fighting game that can match its level of fun.

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